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Context TroperWall / Elisabel

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3You now have a Troper Wall! - @/{{whizzerd}}
4* Prepare to be vandalized. - @/{{Jamiester}}
5** Mmm, cake. ~ {{Tropers/Elisabel}}
6*** This reminds me of a [[{{Tropers/Cake1}} certain troper...]] ~ @/{{Arcada188}}
7*** How could you?? :P -{{Tropers/Elisabel}}
8* My, this page is empty! Would you like to [[TroperWall/BlizzardeyeWonder volunteer?]]
9* (Plays Wild-west-styled showdown music)- {{Tropers/Revaryk}}
10** (Wonders whom she should be dueling, since Revaryk is occupied playing music) -{{Tropers/Elisabel}}
11* Oh boy! Another wall for me to [-destroy-] I MEAN WRITE ON! :D ~@/DrNoPuma
12** Pleased to make your acquaintance, Doctor! ... [-Wait did he just say destroy?-] ~{{Tropers/Elisabel}}, who is glad to know at last how to shrink words
13* ...I know Google is a thing, but now I'm curious, what ''does'' "dehiscence" mean? -- [[@/{{Tre}} Trevor W. E.]]
14* Oh boy! Another troper for me to [-introduce to Anime/ChargemanKen-] I MEAN WHOSE WALL TO VANDALIZE! ~{{Tropers/Arcada188}}, Tropers/DrNoPuma's best friend
15* No! Don't fall to Ken! ''You still have a chaaaaance!'' ~{{Tropers/BaconZorp}}
16** Welp. I can't tell if you're too late or not. I ended up finding that thing's existence because of forum conversations (yeah, I end up lurking a lot ... just like with real-life conversation), but at least I know almost nothing about it! There's a kid superhero who's a supreme jerk and there are some purple alien which apparently shapeshift and one is named Maou or Mauo or something.
17*** Alien''s'', I meant. ~{{Elisabel}}
18*** That's correct. Maou also shapeshifts into a cute girl wearing a witch hat at one point. ~{{Tropers/Arcada188}}
19*** It's nice being knowledgeable ... I guess ... ~{{Tropers/Elisabel}}
20*** It's mainly a show enjoyed by those who like {{So Bad Its Good}}. I'd recommend it for those who like watching hilariously bad shows, but for newcomers to anime (like you, from what I can tell), I wouldn't recommend it. - {{Tropers/Revaryk}}
21* I'm going to leave a nice comment on your wall and tell you how nice of a troper you are, AND THERE'S NOTHING YOU CAN DO TO STOP ME! Mwahahahahahahaha! Hai. ;) -NegaKingKix
22** Oh frick. The allegation that I am a nice troper was probably for the sake of humor but it was frickin mood-improving humor. I almost said "Naww" in real life with my voice box. I get overemotional moods, okay? *facepalm* ~{{Tropers/Elisabel}}
23* [[ I believe you will like this episode of Chargeman Ken.]] Seriously. ~{{Tropers/Arcada188}}
24* Dood! I don't think ''anybody's'' recognized my name from Discworld before! Half the reason I like it so much is because Google found like no hits for it as a username, so I can just use it pretty much anywhere without needing numbers. That and it feels like a nonce word, even though it's probably just impossibly obscure. In all honesty I probably could've been a Linguistics major if I hadn't fallen for English (Turns out it has nothing to do with the language). ~@/{{Knowlessman}}
25** Cool!
26* Say hi to the MagicalGirl of justice. - Troper/{{Mhazard}}
27** Hi, magical girl of justice!
28* ''soft wrryyyyyys in the distance.'' ~{{Tropers/BaconZorp}}
29** Wait, what's that?
30* ''Mobile Suit lands just outside.'' Greetings from Gjallarhorn. --{{Tropers/G2BattleConvoy}}
31** Ooh, return vandalism! You're a very courteous new person.
32* I'm here now. Hi. - Tropers/CaliburnAbsoluteEX
33** You are indeed. 'Lo!
34* I swear I keep thinking I've vandalised this page when I haven't. Odd. Anyway, hello. --@/TropesForever
35** Ooh ooh we're officially acquainted now! I've thought you were a cool Troper for the longest time. Have I vandalized you yet? Will check your Wall to see.
36** Really? Well thank you. :) I thought you were cool too. --[[@/TropesForever TF ]]
37* I think your username sounds nice... @/WhiteCheddaPikachu
38** <3
39* I got your message on my wall. Thank you. I try to help people! If you need any advice, I'll be at the Romance thread. @/Marcen12
40* ''[[cinnamon: When the truth is found to beeeeeeeeeee lies / When all the joooyyyyyyyy within you dies]]'' - @/KeironCioran
41* Boop –@/{{Enirboreh}}
42* Thanks for writing something on my Troper Wall page. It is always appreciated. - @/porkyThegrumpiest
