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Context PlayingWith / SteppingStonesInTheSky

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1'''Basic Trope''': Characters run and jump across falling debris.
2* '''Straight''': When Emperor Evulz tries to kill Alice with RocksFallEveryoneDies, he's shocked to see her racing towards him across the same falling rocks he just dropped on her.
3* '''Exaggerated''': Emperor Evulz detonates a number of buildings, in a desperate attempt to kill Alice. As he looks at the carnage, he's shocked to see Alice leap from building to building.
4* '''Downplayed''': As a column cracks and starts to topple, Alice grabs her chance and scrambles to the top of it before it hits the ground.
5* '''Justified''':
6** Alice has SuperSpeed.
7** Alice, Evulz, and a load of debris have been thrown from a plane and are [[VariableTerminalVelocity plummeting through the atmosphere in freefall]]. Weightless, Alice kicks away from one large piece of wreckage to another, working her way closer to her enemy.
8* '''Inverted''': Alice has been blown into the air by an explosion, and runs back through the shrapnel to get back down to earth.
9* '''Subverted''': Alice runs up the debris [[GravityIsAHarshMistress until she realises how impossible that is, at which point she starts falling.]]
10* '''Double Subverted''': But then she [[ForgotICouldFly remembers]] that she is a GravityMaster.
11* '''Parodied''': Alice and Bob [[TalkingIsAFreeAction stop running to have a brief conversation]] about [[LampshadeHanging how impossible it is that they're doing what they're doing]], before deciding to [[MST3KMantra just not worry about it too much]].
12* '''Zig Zagged''': ???
13* '''Averted''': Alice hides from the falling rocks, and climbs up the heap of rubble once it's settled.
14* '''Enforced''': ???
15* '''Lampshaded''': "How are you ''doing'' that?"
16* '''Invoked''': Alice can't see a way to climb out of a cave... so she blows up the ceiling and scrambles up the falling rocks.
17* '''Exploited''': Evulz is a close range combatant much like Alice, and causes the rockfall so that she would get herself [[InstantDeathRadius in striking distance.]]
18* '''Defied''': "Quick! We can run up the stones as they fall!" "You... you never did very well in physics class, did you Bob?"
19* '''Discussed''': ???
20* '''Conversed''': ???
21* '''Deconstructed''': Humans are not capable of doing this. Alice falls and dies.
22* '''Reconstructed''': Alice has elemental earth powers that force the rocks to stay up long enough for her to get on them.
24Back to SteppingStonesInTheSky
26%% Optional items, added after Conversed, at your discretion:
28%%* '''Implied''': ???
31%%* '''Plotted A Good Waste''': ???
32%%* '''Played For Laughs''': ???
