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Context PlayingWith / ClothingDamage

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1'''Basic Trope''': A character's clothes gets damaged, often played for {{Fanservice}}.
2* '''Straight''': Bob gets into a fight [[ShirtlessScene and has his shirt ripped off.]]
3* '''Exaggerated''': When Bob goes into the fight, he's fully clothed. By the end of it, he's completely naked.
4* '''Downplayed''': Bob gets a small tear on his sleeve, but that's it.
5* '''Justified''':
6** Bob isn't wearing armour and he's up against an opponent with a bladed weapon.
7** Bob has [[SuperToughness superhuman physical endurance]], which doesn't extend to his clothes.
8* '''Inverted''': During the fight, Bob's opponent throws another shirt on him.
9* '''Subverted''': Bob gets his shirt ripped off in the fight, only to reveal he's got another one underneath.
10* '''Double Subverted''': Then he loses ''that'' one.
11* '''Parodied''':
12** Whenever Bob does so much as strike a pose, his shirt explodes. Whenever he walks by a branch, it tears his shirt off. He just looks ''that good'' shirtless.
13** Bob gets into a fight with Don Cuchillo. He gets a rip on the sleeve of his shirt, which subsequently ''[[IncendiaryExponent catches fire]]'' to reveal his [[HeroicBuild rock-hard abs]], complete with their own [[{{Sexophone}} theme music]]
14* '''Zig Zagged''': Bob loses his shirt in the fight, but is wearing another one under it. Then later, it gets damaged, but magically fixes itself. Then he loses it anyway.
15* '''Averted''': If Bob fights at all, [[BulletproofFashionPlate his clothes are unscathed throughout.]]
16* '''Enforced''': "Bob's our number-one MrFanservice, and everyone wants to see him with his shirt off. Why don't we use this big fight as an excuse for him to lose it?"
17* '''Lampshaded''':
18** "Great. Bob, did you lose your shirt again? The tailor's getting annoyed with you."
19** When Bob loses his shirt, he just so happens to look like he's posing, and his female teammates can be seen swooning in the background.
20* '''Invoked''':
21** Bob [[BattleStrip rips up]] ''[[BattleStrip his own]]'' [[BattleStrip shirt]], just because.
22** Bob is a HandsomeLech who's ''trying'' to lose his shirt so he can show off to his female teammates.
23* '''Exploited''': Bob keeps a trapped rune underneath his clothes, to blast [[SmugSnake Charlie]] when he pulls his trademark trick.
24* '''Defied''': Bob specifically wears clothes that are resistant to tearing.
25* '''Discussed''': "That's Bob. He tends to lose his shirt a lot, so watch out, ladies."
26* '''Conversed''': "Yeah, they're just blatantly having Bob's shirt get ripped so we can see his muscles."
27* '''Implied''': Bob goes to [[BattleDiscretionShot fight offscreen]], and returns without his shirt. It isn't clarified if it was destroyed, or if he performed a BattleStrip instead.
28** The fight is not shown, and neither is Bob after the fight. However, we ''do'' get to see a couple of females swooning over Bob, commenting on his amazing physique.
29* '''Deconstructed''':
30** Bob's shirt was armoured, and without it, his enemy is easily able to strike a crippling blow.
31** Bob gets a [[{{Gorn}} nasty flesh wound]] to go along with losing his shirt, [[FanDisservice negating most of the fan service]].
32** Bob goes broke from spending a fortune on clothes he barely gets to wear before fate conspires to shred them.
33* '''Reconstructed''':
34** Bob notices his armor is gone and adapts his tactics to accommodate for it.
35** Bob explicitly wears loose, fragile clothes which tear easily, so that his enemies believe he has taken more hits than he actually has.
36** Once Bob loses his shirt, he's able to defeat his opponent easily [[DistractedByTheSexy because they're too busy ogling his abs.]]
37* '''Played For Drama''':
38** Bob is defeated by the BigBad, and left in a sorry state since he is now battered, beaten, broken, and naked. [[IHaveYouNowMyPretty The villain takes some time to gloat over this.]]
39** Losing his shirt sends Bob into a panic attack as he gets unpleasant flashbacks to when he was sexually assaulted.
40** Bob gains a painful and gruesome wound.
41* '''Played For Laughs''':
42** Bob loses his shirt in the middle of the fight, which is [[FanDisservice NOT a pleasant image.]] His opponent tells him to PleasePutSomeClothesOn and halts just so Bob'll do that.
43** Bob's left [[ComedicUnderwearExposure in his boxers]] after taking a particularly heavy blow.
44* '''Plotted A Good Waste''': The fight being so {{Fanservice}}-y helps take some of the edge off the fact that all combatants involved are locked in a brutal fight to the death.
46Go back to {{Cloth|ingDamage}}--AARGH, I ripped my pants!
