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Context Manga / LittleJumper

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3''Little Jumper'' is a manga that started in 2004 and concluded in 2008, by Takada Yuuzou.
5Hiroki Ichinose is just another OrdinaryHighSchoolStudent, trying to get a date to spice up his summer. After getting his ass kicked because he gave three girls love letters ''[[TooDumbToLive at the same time]]'', he gets jumped on his way home and narrowly escapes capture by a mysterious woman, only to find her partner has already taken his parents hostage. Before he can get any answers on who they are or what they want, a giant machine comes out of nowhere and melts away, leaving only a mysterious naked girl who quickly reveals herself to be a {{Time Travel}}er hellbent to save her mother: the future ''Mrs.'' Ichinose.
8!!This manga contains examples of:
9* ACupAngst: Chimari hates it when Kozakura calls her flat.
10* AlternativeCalendar: The story mostly takes place in [[ThePresentDay the present]] year 0007 INLC. Chimari and other Rebuilts are from {{the future}} year 0024 INLC.
11* AnArmAndALeg: Chimari breaks off Saeko's left arm in chapter 9.
12* AreaOfEffect: Chimari's Shockwave is this but it tires her out using it.
13* ArmCannon: Kozakura of Public Security's mostly used transformation.
14* BigEater: Chimari pulls this in chapter 4, only to discover she can't handle it.
15** Chimari remembers that when she was younger her mom had a big fight with Hiroki and afterwards took her to 5 or 6 places to eat.
16* ClingyJealousGirl: Chimari does ''not'' like the idea of her father going out with other girls, despite him not even knowing who her mother is.
17* ConspicuousTrenchcoat: Public Security's robot mooks are often in them.
18* CyberCyclops: Public Security's robot mooks.
19* {{Delinquents}}: Haruka, Hiroki's mom, was once one.
20* DisappearedDad: Ichinose himself... er, that is his Future-Self.
21* FishOutOfTemporalWater: Chimari is not used to how things work in the year 0007 INLC.
22** [[spoiler: In ch. 17, Hiroki also has to deal with this trope after he gets tossed into the future.]]
23* FutureBadass: [[spoiler:The 'dog girl' from Hiroki's school club uses the knowledge of the future that he brings back as a StableTimeLoop to make herself the head of a major world religion-slash-terrorist-group centered around her power of 'prophecy'.]]
24* GirlishPigtails: Saeko Himura's hairstyle.
25* HealingFactor: Rebuilts can repair themselves, though it takes awhile.
26* HeroesLoveDogs: Chimari loves Shiba-Inus.
27* HowDoIShootWeb: Chimari at first has trouble using her Recovery Disk to use her Rebuilt powers and had some PowerIncontinence when she is emotional.
28** In chapter 4, Chief Fuwa of Public Security teaches her how to access her Recovery Disk to access her ResetButton to help her stomachache after she ate too much.
29* IncestSubtext: Constantly lampshaded by Hiroki [[spoiler:for the first two volumes. Even after "Ai-san" - the UN timecop chasing ''everyone'' - makes her appearance, it takes an entire volume before she confirms that Hiroki is ''not'' Chimari's father, and another volume before her future self admits that she is Chimari's mother; the result of a [[MagicFromTechnology Techno]]-MysticalPregnancy induced by a malfunctioning time machine.]]
30* IntangibleMan: The Rebuilts can cause their body to go through objects due to their bodies are a collection of unstable particles; as long as there is an absence of electromagnetic fields.
31** [[spoiler: An ability Hiroki makes good use of after he gets tossed into the future.]]
32* IdiotBall: Seems to be an Ichinose family heirloom, [[LampshadeHanging as Hiroki's mother points out]].
33* IdiotHero: Both Hiroki and Chimari qualifies.
34* InsistentTerminology: Hiroki's mother insists Chimari not call her grandma.
35* IronButtMonkey: Kozakura
36* KidFromTheFuture: Chimari, and [[spoiler:she actually isn't]].
37* ManBitesMan: Hiroki does this to Kozakura's arm in chapter 2.
38* MechaMooks: The Public Security has them.
39* MiniMecha: The UN Forces' agent, Nakamura, time traveled in one.
40* MysticalPregnancy: A result of MagicFromTechnology involving Time Jumpers, leading to a TrulySingleParent situation. [[spoiler:Ai-chan is Chimari's TrulySingleParent, not Chimari herself]].
41* NakedFirstImpression: [[spoiler:"Ai-san" to Hiroki, in the process confirming herself as Chimari's mother via a unique birthmark - three moles on her chest in a symmetrical pattern.]]
42* NakedOnArrival: Chimari, the mysterious time-traveling girl, arrives sans clothing when her Time Jumper fuses with her.
43** [[spoiler: Which also happens to Hiroki after he gets thrown into the future.]]
44* NoWaterproofingInTheFuture: Even if it is from 17 years into the future, cola still short-circuits machines.
45* OnlyKnownByTheirNickname: In the future, knowing someone's nickname makes their real name unnecessary. Chimari's mother is known as "Ai"-san[[note]]she herself likes it due to sounding like the the letter "I" in Inchinose[[/note]].
46* OurTimeTravelIsDifferent: So far, all we know is that it involves huge machines (Time Jumpers) that integrate with the traveler.
47** According to in-story rumors, females have a higher percentage of survival rate compared to males (females, 70%; males, 45%).
48* ResetButton: The Rebuilt apparently have one integrated.
49* SecretKeeper: Hiroki's friends eventually.
50* ShoulderCannon: Saeko has this as a weapon.
51* TheSlowPath: Public Security puts their arrested time traveling criminals in [[HumanPopsicle Cryopods]] to bring them back to their epoch.
52* TrulySingleParent: [[spoiler:Ai-chan is Chimari's]] by [[MagicFromTechnology Techno]]-MysticalPregnancy.
53* SuspiciouslySpecificDenial: Chimari insists she's "not some suspicious character or anything", almost immediately after emerging from the huge torrent of light and sound that the Time Jumper makes.
54* SwissArmyAppendage: Pretty much the Rebuilts' whole bodies can be modified to draw out a system of their Time Jumper.
55* ThisIsADrill: One of Chimari's Rebuilt abilities, and they are attached to the ends of CombatTentacles. They can also be fired as missiles.
56* TimePolice: The Public Security (according to chapter 2, its full title is "City Police Department, Temporal Security Division") and the UN Forces. [[spoiler: It's recently been revealed that Chimari's mother might actually be one of the agents who was sent back to apprehend her. That would nicely explain why the records are so spotty.]][[spoiler:It is Ai-chan who is Chimari's TrulySingleParent]].
57* TimeTravelRomance
58* TwentyMinutesIntoTheFuture: Chimari, the Rebuilts, and the Public Security are from 17 years into it.
59** Apparently, We Will Not Need Legal Names In The Future.
60* UnwittingPawn: Shiratori, one of Hiroki's female friends, became one to Takuru Narusawa in chapter 7.
61* WhatYearIsThis: Chimari asked Hiroki this in chapter 1.
62** [[spoiler: Hiroki also asks this in chapter 17 after he gets thrown into the future.]]
