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1Shall we [[{{Pun}} take a bite]] into teeth-related tropes?
3Sub Index of FaceOfTheIndex.
7* AbnormalDentalGrowth: A character's teeth grows faster than naturally possible.
8* AsianBuckTeeth: Asians are stereotyped as having buck teeth.
9* BiteOfAffection: Showing affection by biting someone harmlessly.
10* BracesOfOrthodonticOverkill: Someone wears braces that are big and unsightly.
11* BritishTeeth: British people are stereotyped as having awful-looking teeth.
12* ChildishToothGap: A character has a gap where their overbite should be to highlight their naivety and innocence.
13* CuteLittleFangs: A non-human character has small fangs to make them more adorable.
14* CutlassBetweenTheTeeth: Carrying a sword with your teeth.
15* TheDentistEpisode: An episode where someone has to go to the dentist.
16* DepravedDentist: A dentist who gets their kicks by hurting their patients, usually by inflicting painful procedures on their teeth.
17* DIYDentistry: A person with a toothache for some reason doesn't want to go to the dentist and attempts to extract the pain-suffering tooth themselves.
18* EternallyPearlyWhiteTeeth: A character's teeth are always white and shiny.
19* FangsAreEvil: Having fangs means this character is a bad guy.
20* FangThpeak: When one's fangs also impair their ability to speak.
21* FalseTeethTomfoolery: A character is revealed to be wearing false teeth.
22* FlowerMouth: A monster's mouth opens like a disturbing flower in bloom.
23* GoldToothOfWealth: Gold teeth signifying wealth and/or being a status symbol.
24* GoodLipsEvilJaws: Good guys have lips over their teeth, bad guys have visible fangs.
25* GoofyBuckteeth: A character with buckteeth is funny, nerdy, or not meant to be taken seriously.
26* IdentificationByDentalRecords: A murder victim's body is in such a damaged state that the only way to identify them is by dental records.
27* LampreyMouth: A mouth with no jaw.
28* LooseToothEpisode: A character (usually a young child) loses a baby tooth.
29* ManBitesMan: Biting your opponent.
30* MoreTeethThanTheOsmondFamily: Evil characters' mouths are full of countless sharp teeth.
31* {{Mouthscreen}}: A scene where we're shown a close-up shot of someone's mouth.
32* NowThatsUsingYourTeeth: Catching a weapon or a projectile with one's teeth.
33* PinPullingTeeth: When throwing a grenade, the thrower removes the pin by biting it off.
34* PubescentBraces: Teenagers have braces.
35* ScaryTeeth: Characters have teeth that look creepy or disgusting.
36* TeethFlying: A person's teeth fly out when they get hit in the mouth.
37* TombstoneTeeth: Teeth that are big, straight and rectangular.
38* ToothFairy: A fairy said to visit children who have lost baby teeth in order to take the baby tooth and replace it with money.
39* TheToothHurts: Someone suffers dental pain.
40* ToothStrip: A character's teeth are stylistically depicted as two white strips in their mouth rather than 32 individual teeth.
41* ToothyBird: Birds with teeth.
42* TwinkleSmile: When a person smiles, a shine appears in their teeth.
43* VaginaDentata: Vaginas with teeth.
44* VillainousGoldTooth: Gold teeth signifying villainy and/or amorality.
