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3Mismatched Eyes can refer to:
6* ComicallyCrossEyed / FishEyes: Eyes looking in different directions.
7* DualityMotif: Differently colored eyes foreshadow/reinforce a dual nature about the character.
8* ElectronicEyes: One eye is [[{{Cyborg}} cybernetic]].
9* ExoticEyeDesigns: Unusual pupils or iris shapes.
10* GlassEye: One of their eyes is a prosthesis.
11* MadEye: One of the eyes is considerably weirder.
12* MagicalEye: One eye grants them magical powers.
13* MarkOfTheSupernatural: Marks the character as special in some way, whether as magical, nonhuman, or something else entirely.
14* [[/index]]RealLife[[index]]: [[ Heterochromia iridum]] Bear in mind that while healthy individuals can have this--see star UsefulNotes/{{baseball}} pitcher [[ Max Scherzer]]--it is often a sign of medical problems. It can also be the result of an injury. Many cats, dogs, and horses, especially all-white or with white on them, have this trait.
15* PatchworkKids: When the patchworking of parents' features to make their kid, is with the eyes, instead of some other part of the body.
16* RedRightHand: To foreshadow/reinforce something evil about the character.
17* SharedUnusualTrait: Two or more characters have differently colored eyes because they're related or connected somehow.
20Please change any Mismatched Eyes link on this site to point to the appropriate page.
