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1Tropes that deal with identity, be it changes in identity, revelations of a character's identity, identity clash, loss of identity, etc.
6* DisguiseTropes
7* IndividualityIndex
8* LegacyTropes
9* SecretIdentity
11* ActuallyIAmHim: A character meets an individual on their quest to meet someone and ends up discovering that this person is the person they're looking for.
12* AlternateIdentityAmnesia: A character with an alter ego has no memory of their other self when they've changed.
13* AmnesiacCostumeIdentity: A character with amnesia makes assumptions about their previous identity based on the costume they find when they wake up.
14* AmnesiacLover: When a person gets amnesia, the memories lost include who they are in love with.
15* AndThatLittleGirlWasMe: A character tells another person a story that they reveal to be about themselves.
16* AssimilationPlot: A type of ploy where the end goal is the elimination of all individual identity
17* BecomingTheMask: What was supposed to be the infiltrator's cover ends up becoming their real personality.
18* BeneathTheMask: A character's true self is very different from how they act in public.
19* BluffTheImpostor: Weeding out an impersonator by tricking them into saying or doing something the real person would never say or do.
20* CollectiveIdentity: An alias is used by more than one person at the same time.
21* ConfrontingYourImposter: An impersonator is thwarted when they are confronted by the person they are impersonating.
22* ADarkerMe: The DarkerAndEdgier version of someone's personality.
23* DeadPersonImpersonation: Using the name of a dead person as an alias.
24* DeathBySecretIdentity: Someone learns the superhero's secret identity, but dies before they can do anything with the information.
25* DeducingTheSecretIdentity: Someone logically deduces a SecretIdentity, using clues, process of elimination, etc.
26* DeliriousMisidentification: Someone in a state of delirium mistakes one character for another.
27* DelusionsOfDoghood: A human character thinks they're an animal.
28* DoubleConsciousness: A character has two or more social identities that conflict with each other.
29* DramaticUnmask: Someone pulls a character's mask off to reveal their identity.
30* DrPsychPatient: A patient in a psychiatric ward or mental asylum is mistaken for a doctor.
31* EnemyWithin: An evil force inside of a character struggles to gain control of them.
32* FalseInnocenceTrick: The imprisoned villain tricks a kindhearted character into thinking they're innocent and letting them out.
33* FreakyFridayFlip: Two or more characters get their minds switched with one another.
34* FreakyFridaySabotage: A character switches their mind with another character, intending to cause them negative consequences.
35* FriendOfMaskedSelf: Someone claims to be friends with their own SecretIdentity.
36* FrightBesideThem: A character realizes they're in danger when the friend or loved one who they thought was right next to them is actually revealed to be somewhere else.
37* FutureSelfReveal: A character is revealed to be another character's future self.
38* GenuineImposter: A character who is supposedly impersonating someone else turns out to be who they were impersonating.
39* GoToAlias: Someone consistently uses the same name as an alias.
40* HisQuirkLivesOn: A character adopts the trait of a deceased character as a way of keeping the dead character alive.
41* IAmWhatIAm: A character learns to accept a part of their identity they previously rejected.
42* IAmWho: Someone is unaware of their status as TheChosenOne.
43* IdentityAbsorption: Someone absorbs the personality and memories of someone else.
44* IdentityAmnesia: Someone ends up thinking they're someone else.
45* IdentityBreakdown: A character suffers a mental break because of issues or revelations regarding who or what they are.
46* IdentityDenial: Someone is recognized, but denies that they are that person or alter ego.
47* IdentityImpersonator: The superhero protects their secret identity by appearing in public with someone pretending to be their alter ego.
48* IJustWantToBeYou: Somebody doesn't just want to ''be like'' another character, they want to ''be'' that character.
49* ImpersonationExclusiveCharacter: All or almost all knowledge of a character is gained through their impersonator.
50* ImposterForgotOneDetail: Going undercover, but forgetting an essential part of your disguise or cover identity that gets you blown.
51* IndividualityIsIllegal: A society controlled by a HiveMind is not compatible with any individualized identities.
52* TheKillerInMe: A character that is chasing or is chased by a rampant killer is revealed to the audience (and sometimes to themself) to be the killer in question.
53* JekyllAndHyde: A good person has an evil alter-ego.
54* TheJekyllIsAJerk: The alter-ego might be bad, but the original persona isn't much better.
55* LegacyCharacter: An identity is taken on by a new character after the original holder of the identity stops using it for whatever reason.
56* LegacyImmortality: Multiple people assume the identity of one person over the years, creating the illusion of immortality.
57* LikesClarkKentHatesSuperman: Someone is friends with a superhero's alter ego, but despises the superhero.
58* LossOfIdentity: Someone struggles with their sense of identity after a major event or change.
59* LostInCharacter: A character becomes so immersed in acting as their InUniverse character, they stop acting like themselves or forget who they are.
60* LouisCypher: Satan disguises himself using an alias that fails to be subtle.
61* MistakenFromBehind: Someone mistakes a stranger for someone they know because the stranger resembles the person they know when viewed from the back.
62* MistakenIdentity: A character is mistaken for someone else.
63* MultilayerFacade: A person wears multiple disguises over each other.
64* MultipleIdentityIDs: Someone has multiple passports, licenses, or other [=IDs=], each with different information.
65* MyCard: A character hands someone their business card, or a similar card with identifying information.
66* MySiblingWillLiveThroughMe: Someone takes on the identity of a deceased relative.
67* MyselfMyAvatar: Someone's mind is "implanted" into a physical or virtual body, often while their original body is unconscious or "asleep."
68* NoDoubtTheYearsHaveChangedMe: A character is virtually unrecognizable after a long absence.
69* NoPlaceForAWarrior: A veteran struggles to adapt to daily peacetime life.
70* NotHimself: A character's OutOfCharacter behavior is central to the plot.
71* OldFriendNewGender: A character discovers that their ChildhoodFriend is UsefulNotes/{{transgender}} when they meet after many years apart.
72* PainfulPersona: Someone is forced to adopt a personality that is at odds with their true self.
73* PersonalHorror: A character's internal conflict, betrayal of their self-image, or personal failure or flaw is PlayedForDrama.
74* PersonalitySwap: People swap personality traits, but not minds.
75* PhotoDoodleRecognition: Doodling details on a photograph of a person reveals the identity of said person.
76* PreferableImpersonator: The imposter is more liked than the original.
77* QuestForIdentity: Someone with amnesia tries to rediscover their true self.
78* RealNameAsAnAlias: A character's real name serves as the basis for their alias.
79* RediscoveringRootsTrip: Someone was raised in another culture, but returns to their family's motherland in a quest for self-identity.
80* SecondSuperIdentity: A superhero who already has an alter-ego creates another alter-ego.
81* SecretIdentityIdentity: It's called into question on whether the alias or the secret identity is the real person.
82* SharedIdentity: Without trying to impersonate each other, multiple characters simultaneously use the same identity.
83* SelfPerceptionShapeshifting: Shapeshifting to match your self-identity.
84* SelfProclaimedKnight: Someone claims to be a knight when they aren't.
85* ShapeshifterIdentityCrisis: A character that can shapeshift loses their sense of self, and thus control of their abilities.
86* SplitPersonality: One character is "host" to two or more entirely separate personalities.
87* SplitPersonalityMerge: The conflicting personalities merge into a single stable personality, often with traits from both.
88* SplitPersonalityTakeover: The crazier personality either completely erases or puts into submission the weaker, sane personality to become the dominant personality.
89* SpotTheImposter: The character is seen with their impersonator, resulting in their friends having to figure out which is the real person and which is the phony.
90* StartingANewLife: A character, unable to return to their previous life, decides to start anew (possibly with a new identity).
91* SweetPollyOliver: A woman disguises herself as a man.
92* ThatManIsDead: Upon taking a new identity, the person regards their original identity as dead.
93* ThemedAliases: Someone has multiple aliases, all of which share a similar pattern or theme.
94* ThisIsMyNameOnForeign: A character uses a foreign language version of their name as an alias.
95* ThoroughlyMistakenIdentity: Someone's diminished mental capacity or delusions cause them to believe a character is someone else.
96* TomatoInTheMirror: A person's true nature is revealed and it turns out that even they were unaware of the secret.
97* TwinTest: A character is tasked with differentiating between identical siblings by at least one of those siblings.
98* TwoAliasesOneCharacter: Two characters are revealed to be the same person.
99* UnPerson: All evidence and records of a person's existence gets eliminated or revised to make it seem as if the person never did exist.
