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2 [[caption-width-right:350:[[GreatDetective The World's Greatest Detective]].]]
4The average viewer only knows so much about the science and methodology of solving crimes. If they're going to understand your [[CrimeAndPunishmentSeries Crime and Punishment]] story at all, you're going to have to rely on a couple of standard crime-solving tricks. This is the AppliedPhlebotinum of the MysteryOfTheWeek.
6Though shows have gotten better over the years (probably because the audience has gotten smarter or better informed), quite a few of these tricks don't actually work or don't work nearly as well as they do on TV.
10* BitterAlmonds: The evidence smells like bitter almonds, proving poisoning by cyanide.
11* CondensationClue: Steaming a crystal surface to reveal a hidden message previously written on it.
12* ConvictionByContradiction: Finding a hole in someone's alibi proves their guilt, with no chance for reasonable doubt.
13* CorpseTemperatureTampering: Obfuscating the time of death by interfering with the cooling of a dead body.
14* EnhanceButton: Impossible image enhancement, often used to identify minuscule cues.
15* FacialRecognitionSoftware: Computers can easily scan and identify a suspect based on a photo or video.
16* FingerprintingAir: It's unrealistically easy for the police to find the fingerprints needed for their investigation.
17* ForensicAccounting: Cracking secrets by tracing their finances and paperwork.
18* GoingByTheMatchbook: The logo of a book of matches provides a clue to where its owner has recently been.
19* GPSEvidence: Your evidence only occurs in a single part of the world!
20* IdentificationByDentalRecords: The corpse is so devastated that its identity can only be confirmed by looking at its teeth.
21* TheKillerWasLeftHanded: Deduction based on the dominant hand of a suspect.
22* LocardsTheory: When two things touch there is always a small amount of each left behind.
23* OmniscientDatabase: Highly improbable crime-solving search engines.
24* SuperIdentikit: Police suspect sketch artists are super-humanly good.
25* WritingIndentationClue: Revealing indentations made by the missing, prior page's writing by scribbling on a blank page.
