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1A list of tropes based on how the viewer/reader/player sees things from a critical perspective.
6* AccentuateTheNegative: The review focuses only on the negative aspects of the work and barely says anything of the work's merits if at all.
7* BadReviewThreat: Threatening to give someone's business an overly negative review.
8* BetterByADifferentName: Saying that a work is either a shoddy ripoff of a pre-existing work or a suckier version of a more recent work.
9* BiasSteamroller: Critics let personal biases affect their reviews.
10* BrokeTheRatingScale: A critic establishes that they find what they're currently reviewing exceptionally poor in quality by giving a rating that exceeds how low the scores they give usually go.
11* CantTakeCriticism: A character hates being criticized to the point that even receiving the smallest bit of criticism will enrage them.
12* CausticCritic: The critic who has a tendency to give negative reviews.
13* ComedyGhetto: Comedies aren't considered by critics to be works worthy of merit.
14* CompassionateCritic: The critic criticizes a person's work solely because they want the person to do better.
15* ComplainingAboutShowsYouDontWatch: People complain about a work that they haven't even seen, which doesn't usually reflect well on professional critics.
16* ComplainingAboutThingsYouHaventPaidFor: Instances where someone gets something free of charge, but finds dissatisfaction in it just like if they've been ripped off.
17* ConstructiveCriticism: Criticizing a work because you want the creators to improve it by learning from their mistakes.
18* CriticalDissonance: Audiences and professional critics differ heavily in their take on a work.
19* CriticBreakdown: A critic comes across a work so traumatizing or aggravating that they freak out with rage or sink into depressed exhaustion.
20* CriticProof: A work does well in spite of being savaged by critics.
21* DamnedByFaintPraise: A work is politely insulted by only praising a minor aspect.
22* DearNegativeReader: The creator responds to criticism by insulting the audience.
23* DeliberateFlawRetcon: The creator tries to deflect criticism by claiming that the work's flaws were on purpose.
24** ParodyRetcon: The creator tries to excuse the work's flaws by claiming that it's not intended to be serious.
25* DontLikeDontRead: The creator responds to negative reviews with the rationalization that the reviewers shouldn't be watching works that they dislike.
26* FourPointScale
27* HarshTalentShowJudge: A highly critical talent show judge.
28* DarthWiki/HePannedItNowHeSucks: A critic receives backlash for giving a negative review of a well-liked work.
29* HireTheCritic: A creator hires someone who panned their work to participate in the production of their next project.
30* HonestAdvisor
31* IdiosyncraticRatingsScale: A critic has a unique, creative way of rating what's being reviewed.
32* ItsNotSupposedToWinOscars: It's argued that a work doesn't need to win awards to be considered good.
33* LetsSeeYOUDoBetter
34* MidReviewSketchShow
35* NotScreenedForCritics: Critics aren't allowed to review a work until after it has been released, which doesn't usually indicate any confidence on the creators' part that the work is good.
36* QualityByPopularVote
37* QuoteMine
38* {{Review}}: Evaluating a fictional work in a public manner.
39* ReviewBlog
40* ReviewIronicEcho
41* ReviewerStockPhrases
42* ReviewerStandardComparisons
43* ReviewsAreTheGospel: People judge a work's quality by someone's review of the work rather than by their own viewpoints.
44* SacredCow: A work is so popular and well-regarded that saying anything negative about it is a good way to make everyone pissed off at you.
45* SexinessScore: Ranking, rating or scoring a character's attractiveness and sexual desirability.
46* StrawCritic: Critics are stereotyped as being perfectionists and impossible to please.
47* TakeThatCritics: The creator responds to criticism by insulting their critics.
48* VideoReviewShow
49* WouldRatherSuffer
