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2[[caption-width-right:350:When you've got to go, you've got to go.]]
4[[HurricaneOfEuphemisms The convenience. The smallest room. The privy. The head. The jakes. The cloakroom. The khazi. The water closet. The john. The loo. The dunny. The necessary room. The ladies' or gentlemens' room. The restroom. The little girls' or boys' room. The can. The pot. The jacks.]] [[UnusualDysphemism The crapper. The bog. The shithouse.]] [[ThoseWackyNazis The meeting room for the brown masses]]. And last but not least- the ''[[UnusualEuphemism thunderbox]]''.
6[[IHaveManyNames It has many names.]] And while fiction might seem to spend most of its time [[NobodyPoops pretending they don't exist]], there are still plenty of tropes relating to bodily functions and the rooms we set aside for them.
11+ AVeryCrappyIndex
13* AllNaturalFireExtinguisher: Someone puts out a fire by peeing on it.
14* BathhouseBlitz: Attacking, kidnapping, or killing someone in a public bathhouse or sauna.
15* BathsAreFun: Taking a bath is enjoyable.
16* BathroomBrawl: A fight that happens in a bathroom.
17* BathroomBreakout: Someone uses a bathroom break to cover an escape attempt.
18* BathroomControl: Denial of bathroom access as punishment.
19* BathroomSearchExcuse: Using "looking for the bathroom" as an excuse to snoop around an area.
20* BathroomStallGraffiti: Notes people leave on bathroom stalls.
21* BathroomStallOfAngst: Characters crying alone in a bathroom stall.
22* BathroomStallOfOverheardInsults: A character overhears other characters insulting them from a lavatory stall.
23* BladderOfSteel: Video game feats or achievements that require all but supernatural bladder control.
24* BottomlessBladder: A video game character never goes to the bathroom even though you've been in complete control of them for 72 straight hours.
25* BringMyBrownPants: Wetting or soiling oneself out of fear.
26* CallingYourBathroomBreaks: A character cannot resist announcing their need to use the restroom.
27* CampingACrapper: Someone wanting to kill someone waits for his or her target to go to the bathroom before making their move.
28* TheCanKickedHim: Some poor soul is attacked or even killed ''with'' a toilet.
29* TheDiaperChange: The inevitable moment in any comedy involving a baby where someone gets more than they bargained for and has to change the baby's diaper.
30* DisgustingPublicToilet: A public bathroom, usually at a gas station or on a bus, that is so foul that a dog wouldn't even crap on the floor.
31* DogsLoveFireHydrants: Dogs pee on fire hydrants, [[StockObjectColors which are stereotypically red]].
32* DramaticIncontinence: Unable to hold it in due to medical or other [[PlayedForDrama dramatic]] circumstances outside of [[BringMyBrownPants fear]] or [[PottyFailure comedy]].
33* TheDreadedToiletDuty: Cleaning bathrooms is the ''worst''.
34* DroppedInTheToilet: Personal possessions accidentally getting dropped in a toilet.
35* EmbarrassingDampSheets: Wetting your bed.
36* ExcrementStatement: A character relieves themself on someone or something as insult.
37* FancyToiletAwe: A character is in awe (or confused) by a fancy or hi-tech toilet/bathroom.
38* FirstPeriodPanic: A preteen/teen girl panics over menarche. In extreme cases she doesn't know blood appearing on her underwear is normal.
39* FlushTheEvidence: Flushing things (such as drugs) down the toilet as a last resort.
40* FlushingEdgeInteractivity: Toilets in video games that can be flushed, but not used or cleaned.
41* FlushingToiletScreamingShower: If you flush the toilet or turn the tap on, someone in the shower will scream.
42* ForcedBath: Someone is forced by several people to take a bath.
43* FoulBallPit: Ball pits contain urine, feces, and vomit.
44* FunWithFlushing: Flushing something down the toilet that isn't meant to be flushed.
45* GassyGastronomy: Foods and drinks stereotypically portrayed as causing farting or burping.
46* GiantsDropletHumansShower: When a giant pees, someone's bound to get wet.
47* GoodiesInTheToilets: Toilets are the new crates and barrels.
48* GoToTheEuphemism: Saying indirectly that one has to use the toilet.
49* HatesBaths: A character hates taking a bath.
50* JarPotty: Using a portable container as an improvised toilet.
51* LaxativePrank: One character drugs another secretly with laxatives. In a wacky comedy, hijinks ensue. In a deconstructive drama, severe dehydration and criminal charges ensue.
52* LockedInTheBathroom: A character locks themselves in the bathroom when they're upset/evading a persuer.
53* MaleRestroomEtiquette: The strict unwritten code of conduct of the men's room.
54* MistakenForToilet: Something is mistaken for a toilet or bathroom.
55* NatureTinkling: Using the outside world as a toilet.
56* NextStallShenanigans: Weird shit's happening in the next stall while you're trying to do your business.
57* NighttimeBathroomPhobia: A character fears using the bathroom at night.
58* NoPeriodsPeriod: A female character's period doesn't impact the story, even when it probably should.
59* NobodyPoops: A work flat out ignores that living creatures excrete waste in any way.
60* OnlyUsefulAsToiletPaper: When literary writing is seen as such poor quality that it's only fit to be used as toilet paper (or similar undignified uses).
61* OverturnedOuthouse: Outhouses or port-a-potties getting tipped over or destroyed, usually while someone is using it.
62* PlumbersCrack: What you might see as your bathroom fixtures are being repaired. When the upper part of somebody's buttcrack protrudes above the top of their lower clothing as they bend over, stereotypically associated with plumbers.
63* PoopingWhereYouShouldnt: A character starts defecating in a place where they shouldn't.
64* PottyDance: When a character (especially a young child) needs to go very badly, they will jump around a little bit.
65* PottyEmergency: A character needs the toilet '''now'''.
66* PottyFailure: The inevitable result of a PottyEmergency that goes unresolved for too long.
67* PuttingThePeeInPool: Did this water just get warmer? If it did, maybe someone peed in it.
68* RipVanTinkle: After prolonged inactivity, someone needs a bathroom right now!
69* SearchingTheStalls: Hunting for someone hiding in a bathroom stall.
70* ShyBladder: A character just can't use the restroom because someone might be watching or overhearing them
71* {{Swirlie}}: A character sticks another character's head into the toilet. Flushing is optional. Also known as bog washing.
72* TinkleInTheEye: When a human baby pees on somebody.
73* ToiletDrinkingDogGag: Jokes about dogs drinking from toilets.
74* ToiletHorror: Bathrooms as a setting for horror.
75* ToiletHumour: Disgusting bodily functions played for comedy.
76* ToiletTrainingPlot: A plot that focuses on someone being toilet trained.
77* ToiletPaperSubstitute: No paper? How about $100 bills?
78* ToiletPaperTrail: Somebody leaves the bathroom and a sheet of toilet paper is stuck to their foot.
79* ToiletTeleportation: Flushing yourself down the toilet to escape to somewhere.
80* UrineTrouble: A character/object is urinated on by an animal, usually for comedic purposes.
81* WarmWaterWhiz: Sticking a sleeping person's hand in warm water makes them wet their pants.
82* WhichRestroomDilemma: A character can't tell the men's and ladies' rooms apart.
83* WondrousLadiesRoom: In fiction, the ladies' room takes on a kind of mystique.
84* WrongBathroomIncident: A character (intentionally or not) finds themself in the opposite gender's restroom or dressing room.
85* YellowSnow: The result of urine combined with snow.
