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Context DrinkingGame / TheDreamer

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1Take a drink when:
2* Beatrice is conflicted over choosing between Ben or Alan.
3* Alan does something heroic and/or manly.
4* Lt. Col. Knowlton says something snarky.
5* Yvette tells Beatrice it's okay to date two guys at once.
6* The time period transitions.
7* A parallel character appears/is mentioned.
8* Something remotely historical occurs.
9* Beatrice or another character mentions acting/Broadway.
10* Beatrice is the only female in the vicinity.
11* There are other females besides Beatrice in the vicinity.
12* The comic passes UsefulNotes/TheBechdelTest.
13* The comic fails UsefulNotes/TheBechdelTest.
14* A scene occurs wherein Alan and Beatrice show their OfficialCouple - ness.
