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Archived Discussion WesternAnimation / Freakazoid

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

BT The P: I tried to put the theme song over in the margin, because I think the page really needs it to be here, but not with such a screwy layout. Anyone else have a solution?

Gus: How's that?

BT The P: I tried a few times to use the floatbox markup, but it kept breaking, or looking wrong, or something, so I changed it back. I suppose the page looks good enough, but I tried to get fancy and overstepped either my limits or the code's. Either way, I have not the patience to massage the formating on it.

*Looks at entry*

Oh, look. Someone else fixed it. Thanks!

Morgan Wick: My monitor uses a freakishly huge 1280x1024 resolution. Both the picture and floatbox appear right at the top, but don't extend across enough to completely cover the space for the entry. The result is a really narrow space where the first few words of the entry appear.

BT The P:I'm at 1680x1050 (widescreen DFP), and it looks fine to me. I'm used to seeing broken web designs, but this one flows nicely.

Looney Toons: Huh. I'm at 1024x768, and the picture, text and box space out in almost even thirds, and look rather nice.

Morgan Wick: Maybe it's my browser. I use IE 6. Every page has a big blank space to the right that takes up a little more than a third of the space the entry could be using. Maybe some HTML coding is causing IE to cram everything in a space designed for smaller resolutions.

Gus: I can see the issue Morgan Wick is experiencing when I use IE at 1024x768. I'll track it down. Firefox, Opera 9, Safari —- all post-9/11 browsers, in fact, are ok. //added later: That seems to be cleared up, for me. 1024x768 is the highest resolution I have available, right now, though, so there may be some issues for the big-screeners among us.

Morgan Wick: Looks fine for me too.

Seven Seals: As a scruffy Wikipedia refugee, I have to put in a "think of the children" moment: putting the lyrics of the theme song on here is a copyright violation. Does anyone care? (I don't.)

Ununnilium: Not really - if someone were going after people for copyright violations, the huge sites with lyrics for a b'jillion different songs would be first. (And on a purely ethical level, I deny any harm.)

Sockatume: Begging your pardon, but how does one subvert No Fourth Wall, which is an inherently subsersive trope anyway? Trying to comprehend this concept makes my brain hurt.

Dark Sasami: Ah, so you're beginning to understand the show!

Big T: @Sockatume: You appear breaking the fourth wall, but it turns out you are talking about something else. Or you talk to the camera, and it turns out someone is actually there. Or you comment about the music, and it was actually created in universe. Must I go on?

The Evil Dr Bolty: Could someone please explain how Roddy Mac Stew is an example of the Weird Al Effect? Clearly the effect is in full force for me and I would like to understand the reference.

Guitar Bizarre - FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. STOP WITH THE CANDLEJACK JOKES. Anyone object if I remove some of the more hideously annoying ones? The Rogues Gallery entry is like reading a pile of needles being jabbed forcefully into my eyes.
