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Archived Discussion WMG / BruceAlmighty

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Fast Eddie: What's this?

...he's portrayed as the ultimate AOL end-user — able to grant prayers...
Don't know much about AOL, but pretty sure the connection between being an AOL-er and granting prayers must be pretty tenuous.

Seth: It sounds like a slight at the technical/computer no how of the average AOL user. They browse the internet without understanding how it works as an analogy to having gods powers but not knowing the consequences. I disagree, insofar as you average internet user has little knowledge of how the internet works - not just AOL. I call troll.

Sikon: And it seems that some people here browse the Internet without knowing that it starts with a capital letter.

HeartBurn Kid: Not to mention, apparently one doesn't need to know the title of a movie to speculate on it... BTW, the Entry Name Changer doesn't seem to work if the entry's in a category. Tried both WMG/BruceTheAlmighty and WMG.BruceTheAlmighty, and neither one worked.

Fast Eddie: Yeah, that needs fixin'. I'll just start a new one on the right name. With some English in it.

Fast Eddie: Still getting a little whiplash on the jump from "doesn't grant omniscience" to "dybbuk". What the Hey, though, it's WMG. 'Sides what do I know? I can't grant omniscience, either. OMG! I'm a dybbuk!

rmsgrey: Or, hey, God didn't actually give Bruce all his powers after all!
