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Archived Discussion Videogame / BrutalLegend

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Eric DVH: Woah, this game is apparently so Troperiffic that tropes are leaking out before it's even been released yet!

Terminus Est 13: Previews, demos, interviews, etc. You sound surprised.

Rebochan: Has anyone been able to find out Lita's voice actor? I kept turning up cast lists that put Lita Ford as her actress, but those were bogus. I also swear it's Mo from Full Throttle, but I'm turning up empty so far.

ChungXing: It's Kath Soucie.

Foryn: I know we aren't TOW, but where did you find that? I'm honestly curious.

Rebochan: Ironically, I just beat the game last night - but the credits went by so fast I missed Lita's. Thanks! I knew it was Mo :)

ChungXing: I just saw her name in the credits. It kind of bugged me that everyone was claiming Lita Ford was voicing Lita Halford, and yet she sounded suspiciously like a voice actress I'd heard many times before. Also, whoever voiced Smellerbee voiced a Razor Girl.

Skarmory The PG: Whoever Laconised this, I love you.

Rebochan: While doing some cleanup, I figured a game like this deserved a Crowning Moment Of Funny page. So now it has one. Feel free to go nuts filling it up.
