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Archived Discussion VideoGame / EpicMickey

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

jtmmachine: Something's has just been bugging me: Has that picture of the freaky lich been officially confirmed to be The Phantom Blot? The only place I've seen it is on the Gary Glover art website, which has art from several different projects, not just Epic Mickey.

owh: I think the style of this page needs to be toned down a little until the game actually comes out. Lots of the page is a good amount of jumping to conclusions about how the game is going to be some Darker and Edgier Nightmare Fuel abomination and we haven't even seen anything other than concept art yet. Disney especially is famous for crazy blue sky concepts that come crashing down to Earth in compromised form, so I think assuming this game is going to look exactly like a lot of this art is just going to lead to Hype Backlash.

Don't forget that the name Epic Mickey is most likely a working title.

B gal: Oh come on, troopers have been doing this long before this game was announced. (ed. Any pixar film before release, 9, ect.)

Cambdoranononononono: If something 'literally' does Painting the Fourth Wall, it usually doesn't actually use the trope. Also, is it me, or does this page have a lot of gushing for a game that hasn't been released?

Insanity Prelude: I am so jealous of Wii owners right now.

B gal: Um, is it necessary to point out that Yen Sid is Disney backwards?

Hey, how 'bout cropping or shooping that image on the main page to lose the Game Informer text? It's a good image, but the titles ruin the effect.

Eric DVH: It's probably a good idea to leave it as is, so that it's obvious the game hasn't actually shipped yet. Now that Disney's done something with Sony and Nintendo, I guess Microsoft's probably next. ;-)
