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Archived Discussion Quotes / GlobalWarming

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Anonymous Mc Cartneyfan: Wait, what's wrong with these quotes?

Madrugada How many of them are from Fiction? The page is examples from fiction only yet the quotes page is dueling Real Life quotes. It doesn't need to be cut, but it should be limited to quotes from fiction, same as the examples.

Viv: What? Dozens of quotes pages have quotes from Real Life and hundreds of trope pages have a Real Life section. Let's see how much support you'll get for removing the various Carl Sagan quotes.

Madrugada: Are those other pages No Real Life Examples pages? This page is. Do the quote pages consist only of real life quotes? If not, they aren't directly comparable. Insignificant Little Blue Planet has 9 quotes; 2 of them are from Carl Sagan, six are from fiction, and one is from a reviewer. That's substantially different from 19 quotes, all of them Real Life.

Schizo Technician: I think this page violates the Rule Of Cautious Editing Judgement. These quotes, by and large, don't seem selected to define the trope, but to make an opinion-based statement regarding the pagemaker's view of the veracity of global warming. I'm tempted to be a troll and just wipe the page, but I, being an avid environmentalist and student of environmental policy, am also biased, too much so to make a decision, and so leave it to you, my fellow less-biased tropers, to decide whether to cut, mass-edit, partial edit, or leave alone. However, let the record stand that I think this page should be started from scratch, and replaced with quotes from that one episode of Futurama.

  • How can you have non opinion based quotations?. Most of the the Real Life Sections show liberal western bias anyway.

BritBllt: I've never seen any quotes page following the "fictional examples only" rule, but whatever restrictions are applied, I think it'd end up being a mish-mash of conflicting opinions anyway; for every Futurama quote someone else will have a South Park quote ready, and so on. I'm an environmentalist too, and some of these quotes make my head spin, but right now it's at least pretty even, and the source quotes themselves are actually notable and relevant (I've gotta admit, the Pat Robertson one threw me for a loop).

Looking over it, I think there are some shenanigans going on with the source citing: the anti-GW quotes have all sorts of superfluous pedigrees and titles attached to them, while the pro quotes are just plain names (really, does a "professor emeritus of the University of Alaska" warrant more of a mention than, say, "Nobel-prize winning former vice president"?). But that's easily fixed... I'll go ahead and balance that out right now.

Musoeun: On the bright side, no one has managed to drag a WH 40 K quote into it yet.
