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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Working Title: Half Remembered Shows: From YKTTW

Semi-Known Troper: Someone else can probably do a much better job of formating this than me, hope it proves useful.

Umptyscope: Um, folks, has a page like this called "Stump the Shark," been going on for years. Plus, the site itself references damn near every teevee show that ever existed.

Cassius335: And?

Sci Vo: Pulled my entry. For the record, I figured out that I was thinking of Booker, with cutie Katie Rich (for the first 14 of 22 episodes) and Richard Grieco, a Spin-Off from 21 Jump Street.
KEVP: I just added questions about five shows I half remember from my childhood. Two of them may be the same show, so it might be just four. I have asked about these in all sorts of TV discussion forums, including "Stump the Shark". I have not been able to find their names. They seem to be REALLY obscure. But please don't take them off on the chance that SOMEONE will finally remember the shows I am talking about.
Nezumi: I'm... a little confused. A lot of the Video Game questions seem to have vanished, and I'm not sure why. The page is in otherwise awfully good shape for it to have been hit by the database crash, and I wouldn't figure they'd be particularly irrelevant. I wanted to check on one I'd posted under there while I posted a new one in Literature, and I was surprised to find it no longer existed.
Invisible Rabbit: Hey, is it okay to delete the questions that get answered? Some of the sections look pretty crowded, and that makes it more difficult to get new questions looked after.

Nezumi: I'd instead recommend moving them off to a separate page. It'd really suck to have your question answered, only to be away for a while and not get the response, plus some of them might be useful to other people as well.

KEVP: I found the webcomic I was looking for. It was ArqAngel. It wasn't exactly how I remembered it. It's not exactly "cyberpunky". Neither of the main female characters wears yellow. It was created by two guys, not by a husband and wife. I've taken my question off the main page, so it doesn't confuse anyone else.
The Troper Who Searched For "Queen-And-Her-Reflection\Shadow" Story Origins: No, no, definitely not Lady Of Shalott, sorry.
Andyzero: Face Palm. I thought I was "helping" and didn't realize there were "unsolved" and "solved" categories, and I fused all the Video game examples. I think I put everything back where it was. Again...I pulled a boner, I apologize.

UltramarineAlizarin: Re-added the folder markup for the "video games/awaiting suggestions" category and removed the duplicate entries from "video games/suggested answers" that had wound up in "video games/confirmed answers".

Kuciwalker: What the hell happened to this?
Nezumi What is the Coral Island Creepypasta anyway? I've tried hunting it down, but had no luck so far.

Glowsquid: Yeah, I'm wondering too.
