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Archived Discussion Main / Walkthrough

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Andrew: Deleted Spider-Man 3, for PS 2, is notorious for being difficult enough that, in order to beat the first boss of the game, this editor had to consult a walkthrough three times.

Many games are hard, and nearly all games contain some difficult parts, and even the most steadfast non-walkthrough users of us occasionally break. We don't need to list all instances of such. Plus, this is way too subjective and personal. What requires the use of a walkthrough to one person might be solvable by another.

I removed the external link to because, upon examining the linked page, I was unable to find anything that actually appeared to realistically resemble a walkthrough site. I then googled "mahalo walkthrough" and came across a rather detailed GTA 4 walkthrough on, but it hardly seems to relate to the page that was linked — it's there, but it seems to absolutely not be the focus of the page whatsoever, with no real indication of how walkthroughs are indexed on the site. If someone feels that it truly is an important up-and-coming walkthrough site, they can undo my edit, but I feel like it needs much more explaining than just the direct link. As it stands, it appears to be no more useful of a link than
