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Archived Discussion Main / Utopia

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Fast Eddie: Pulled this opening quote ...

I have come to see your utopia. However, now I see it is more of a fruitopia - Stephen Hawking on The Simpsons.
... as it buried the lead.

Sunder The Gold: Hamilton apparently had no imagination, or else just a temporary case of head-up-his-ass. What's so boring about a nice day? Is a nice day less appealing than a bad day? Is a day of war, slavery and embezzlement more fulfilling than a Superbowl Sunday? It's possible to imagine a wide variety of nice days spiced up with really great days, thus keeping things interesting without requiring there be shitty days.

slowroasted: The point isn't that nice days are boring, just that they're hard to write about.

Nikobelia: The Thomas More pun (Utopia/Eutopia) was definitely intentional - there's a prefatory poem to the text that explicitly plays on it -"Vtopia priscis dicta ob infrequentiam, ... Eutopia merito sum uocanda nomine." Which translates as something like: I used to be called Nowhere, rarely visted... But now I'm gladly called a glad place. (Damn my pedantry for making me go look that up.)
