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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Working Title: Un personning: From YKTTW

Joysweeper: Started to add an example, not sure if it could be put in or needs a different trope. What about when someone just wipes all their records so they can start over somewhere else with a clean slate? Like the Witness Protection Program?

  • In Allegiance, Mara Jade gets a pirate to work for her by both intimidating with a show of Force and promising that if he helps her, she'll have his criminal record wiped, and he'll be able to go anywhere citizens can go, at least unless and until he commits more crimes.

AndrewGPaul: Not sure the 40K example is quite correct - There only were 4 novels and one short story collection published when the Squats were done away with; all but one novel were subsequently republished, Squats included. The only editing was to note they were all dead now.

Daibhid C: Pulled this:
  • Star Trek The Next Generation. In the episode Remember Me, Beverly Crusher's friend Dalen Quaice vanishes, and no one - not the crew, not the ship's computer, not even the Federation remembers him save her. Things get worse when people vanish and treated as if they never existed, til Beverly is only with Captain Picard (who insists they've always been a two man crew), until Picard vanishes, and the computer insists the Enterprise has always been solely manned by Beverly. Turns out Beverly is stuck inside a shrinking static warp bubble, and escapes to reality just before it shrinks to nothing.
Which is definitely Ret-Gone (there's a few examples that seem to be in a grey area between Un-person and Ret-Gone, but this isn't one of them).
