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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Working Title: Two Part Trilogy: From YKTTW

The Hitchhiker's Guide example seems much more a case of Trilogy Creep than Two-Part Trilogy, so I've shifted it.

Eakin: Ditto for the Inheritance Cycle

KJMackley: I revamped the description because it felt like Walls of Text. There was so much of "The first one did this while the second and third ones will do that and the first one was really really good while the second and third ones fell flat on their faces..." I didn't really rewrite much as I just erased extraneous stuff and reorganized it, such as the sequelitis problems are now listed as bullet points, so that it is easier on the eyes.
Caswin: Does Avatar: The Last Airbender have a place here? The story is clearly not over at the end of the first season, but apart from defeating the Firelord and ending the war, most plot threads are resolved with a climactic battle and many standard ending tropes. Fortunately, the series continued, leading to a second season finale that wasn't so kind and led directly into a third, which concluded the story. So I was wondering...
