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Archived Discussion Main / TrueMeaningOfChristmas

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Working Title: The True Meaning of Christmas: From YKTTW

Pro-Mole: Maybe we could point out that the actual true meaning of Christmas is a celebration of the come back of the Sun to a position closer to Earth, or that'd clearly violate the Rule Of Cautious Editing Judgment? =] Pencilears I thought the true meaning of Christmas as it pertains to [1] was "the world needs everybody" or something about accepting fate. as the two things that happen is that the protagionist cannot leave town to travel as he wants to and yet with out him having been born to be there for the town Bedford Falls falls apart. I think [2] is only tangentially a Christmas movie.

Anonymous Mc Cartneyfan: So did the studio - the theatrical release for It's a Wonderful Life came in summer. It's considered a Christmas film because the climactic actions - the suicide attempt and everything after - happened during Christmas... It's not quite "the world needs everybody." It's that the world needs somebody who is truly self-sacrificing, whether that somebody wants to be self-sacrificing or not. (No, normal suicide does not count towards self-sacrifice.) Also that right-thinking people will recognize that it needs people who will sacrifice their own personal happiness for the greater good... Since some people's idea of the true meaning of Christmas already involves self-sacrifice, it's not too far a stretch.
