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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Working Title: Super Move Portrait Attack: From YKTTW

Ecliptor Calrissian: Isn't this used for Oh, Crap! situations waaaaaaaay more?

fhqwhgads: Perhaps something similar is used in TV shows, but this is a video game trope. I can't really even visualize how this trope would work with Oh, Crap! either. This trope is about how the camera quickly zooms in on a character just before they use their Limit Break, or how a portrait of that character flashed in front of the screen before said Limit Break. I've never heard of a game where the victim of a Limit Break gets their face shown on the screen, and if it's a TV show, they do close-ups of the characters' faces all the time anyway, so what would the difference be?

If you're trying to say that there's a lot of TV show situations where the camera does a close-up of a character who's about to be the victim of an Oh, Crap! situation, then that would probably be another trope entirely.
