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Working Title: The Paladin Blues: From YKTTW

arromdee: I'm playing Pokemon Blue right now on a GBA.

The trope applies, but not how it's described in this article. The towns are all colored the name of the game (blue—and I assume Pokemon Red would color them red)—not colored the name of the town (saffron, vermillion, etc.)

The reason I'm not just fixing the article myself is that I don't know what Pokemon Yellow does. That game came out a bit after Red and Blue and had some updates, so it's possible that Yellow could have colored the towns differently. And I wouldn't be surprised if later generations of games did it. Of course, I don't have copies of Yellow or any later games. Can someone check, please?

Some Guy: I'm fairly certain that Pokemon Yellow does use the scheme outlined in the article. Of course, I also thought that the other two did as well, but I'm beginning to think it does that because I play the games using Pokemon Stadium. My theory right now is that Pokemon Stadium automatically gives all first generation titles the Pokemon Yellow treatment, but yeah, don't know whether or not for sure.

fleb: Yeah, Red and Blue were around in the days of the monochrome Game Boy, so they shouldn't have real color in them beyond the palette apparently added to every game by Game Boy Color/Advance. (Wonder if they have a list of game ID's in 'em to pick red or blue.) Yellow probably came out here after GBC did, so it got the colors.
