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Archived Discussion Main / ShaveAndAHaircut

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Working Title: Shave And A Haircut: From YKTTW

Spectrum: What the Hell is this article about? The opening paragraph is incomprehensible gibberish to me. Someone please edit and add a real description of the phenomenon.

Scifantasy: I did the best I could. This one really needs face-to-face, because it's all about the rhythm, which is next to impossible to describe in text.

Lale: I keep counting seven beats.

Katsuhagi: Second on it being seven beats, I counted it twice and got that.

  • Which only serves to make the Judge that much more of a bad-ass once you realize that, as a toon, he must have had a time getting to a point where he could repress the urge.
    • Wrong. Judge Doom is initiating the "shave and a haircut" part, so he isn't the one who is supposed to answer, "Two bits!"

