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Archived Discussion Main / SEEYOUINHELL

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Haven: Natterloads nuked from under Star Wars, because none of this changes that it's a rather odd response to "your tauntaun will freeze".

  • Han is implying that giving up on finding Luke would be a damnable offense comparable to his own life of smuggling.
  • It's not out of the blue because of the context of the scene/quote. It's out of the blue because, aside from that and a 'hell to pay' in A New Hope, there hasn't really been a reference to or belief in any sort of hell, and such a concept doesn't really belong in their belief system(s).
    • The Expanded Universe has, as usual, gone into some detail about this throwaway line, implying that the afterlife in the Force *does* have some equivalent of Hell. In any case, there's nothing particularly jarring about the fact that the native cultures of humans on Corellia and Tatooine both include some kind of "hell". Remember that the Jedi religion is far from universal in the Star Wars galaxy — Han Solo, indeed, is not a practitioner of it, knows little about it and finds it "hokey".
  • Neither of those hells were in the scripts. "See you in hell!" is Harrison Ford's favorite ad lib no matter how vexing it may be to the logic of the setting.
  • In any event, I think this was one of Han's Crowning Moments of Awesome in the series— he'll be damned if he's gonna leave his pal out there to freeze to death, and if that means he freezes to death, too, then so be it.
