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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Working Title: RussianGuySuffersMost: From YKTTW

Shadow Warden: Eek, this came up blank at first, but I think we're all good now. Beg pardon if I've done anything in particular wrong, as this is my first launch ever from YKTTW and I'm kind of excited. Whee?

Smokie: Why the fuck wasn't this named Chekovs Woobie?

Shadow Warden: It's a great title, but it's not really a Chekhov trope. Most of the Chekhov tropes refer to seemingly-innocuous characters, plot elements, or objects that later come into full significance. Russians suffering doesn't really fall under that, and hence the title would be grossly misleading.

fleb: ...That's why he said Chekov, not Chekhov. It's a pun.

Smokie: Jesus Christ, what's the Chekovs Gun page for, when people still don't see the difference between Chekov and Chekhov. OUTRAGEOUS.

Shadow Warden: Yeah, still not really seeing the 'obvious' here. Sorry guys. If it's a straight use of 'Chekhov' it makes no sense, and if you're using 'Chekov', it still makes no sense. If you can explain why 'Chekov's Woobie' would be a better title, by all means - go for it.
