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Archived Discussion Main / PuttingOnTheReich

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Malchus: Er, maybe I'm missing something here, but why is the article's image something invoking communism? The caption even links to Dirty Communists. Last time I checked, the Nazi were fascist, which are very different from communists. Just because someone slaps on "Socialist" to their party name doesn't make them automatically socialist/communist.

Malchus: You know what, I'm just gonna go ahead and change it. This pic just doesn't fit this article too well.

TheGreatUnknown: I'm well aware of that (as I've studied the Third Reich); in fact, there were a lot of Germans who were disappointed by the fact that they failed to "live up to that promise". However, I was under the impression that this applied not just to the Nazis but to any regime, like, say, Romans or Communists. Ah, well. That's probably a more striking image anyway.

"* The very Prussian-style uniforms of the Galactic Empire in Legend Of Galactic Heroes. When you see the uniforms their foes wear, it's clearly World War I INSPACE! " -I don't believe looking like WWI Prussians come under this trope, bearing in mind they have nothing to do with Nazis.
  • This is off-topic, but does anyone happen to know the name of that type of pulled-over vest worn only by Nazi-Imperial officers and Steampunk heroes? The Great Unknown would like to know.

Koveras: The current pic does remind me of Star Wars. -__-' I'm a weregeek, probably...
Cambias: I don't quite understand what the Doonesbury reference is doing on this page. A Roman helmet is now a Nazi symbol? Huh? More likely a bit of classical-inspired humor (helmet of Mars or maybe Caesar). Anyway, unless someone can suggest a good reason for keeping it, I vote for sending that one off to exile in Paraguay.
Unknown Troper: I think we should rename this trope to "Putting On The Fritz". It still conveys the sense, but rhymes better.
