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Psycho Electro launched as PsychoElectroDiscussion: From YKTTW

Working Title: Psycho Electro: From YKTTW

Vulpy: I still feel Ununnilium's reservations about this page, but here she stands. Still, I think the Troper launching it made a good nod toward the electric-based characters that aren't bat*(@# crazy. Anyone think we should specify in more detail that plenty of lightning powers don't come with insanity?

Mr Death: Raiden from Mortal Kombat isn't a villain at all. He started the series as a mentor to the heroes and a hero himself, and only in the last two games became an Anti-Hero, if anything. He looks darker, but his new outlook is that he won't show mercy on anyone that threatens Earth. I've editted this out:

  • Subverted in Mortal Kombat. Raiden's a villain, but much more calculated and intelligent than your usual Electro-villain.
