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Archived Discussion Main / PropheticNames

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Ununnilium: Took that last one out when it was pointed out that it's Bian, not Bain, and that it's an Icelandic name. ``;

Webrunner: Would place names in RPGs that obviously foreshadow their destruction count here? (such as naming a city Jericho, or in one particularly obvious example, Ruin)

Andrew: The Hebrew discussion regarding "Malak" is informative, but does anyone really believe that when the Knights Of The Old Republic designers named the character they were thinking about anything other than the prefix "Mal" meaning "evil?" Occam's Razor and all that.

Idler: There's actually a scientist called Lord Brain? Wow, that's worrying. Future supervillain, surely?

For the record, I almost added a page quote of "Who the hell names a project 'Icarus', and then acts surprised when it fails spectacularly?", but decided it wasn't quite epic enough to head the page. —Document N
