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Most of the times I've went paintballing, I didn't wear a full face-mask, but merely goggles.

//In Britain, it's almost always full face-mask required.— Silent Hunter

Not the times I have been

Does the "paintball" scene in the movie Ten Things I Hate About You count? In that movie, "paintball" is portrayed as a sort of paint-balloon-fight. It's used as sort of a California-based proxy for the romantic playful snowball fight. — AKA Driver
Daibhid C: The bit about the "paintball grenade" in Johnny and the Dead by Terry Pratchett isn't an example (the character in question got banned for life) but can we have it as a page quote anyway?
Andyroid: Removing the FLCL example as Not An Example; as stated, those were Airsoft guns, and the goggles were all the protection they needed.
  • FLCL had a scene where Naota had a paintball battle with his Dad, lacking the proper gear... Although the paintballing was unreferee'd, had Haruko as the implied prize, contained a robot, and was still probably the least puzzling thing about the episode.
    • Actually, this was an airsoft battle.

Master TMO: In the early days it was only the goggles that were required. The diehard players were the ones who paid the money to buy their own facemasks. Also, one time I got shot in the throat from 10 feet away and it knocked me onto my back. I've also been shot in the face from point-blank range and suffered a cut for it (mostly my fault - I was hiding in a bush as the other guy walked down a path. As he got next to me he saw me move my gun out of the corner of his eye, jumped about 4 feet in the air and shot me in the face before he landed :) ).

KJMackley: As per this forum discussion the name and focus of the trope has been changed because there is no need for a list of complaints when a proper Paintball Episode hadn't been created.
