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Archived Discussion Main / NotDistractedbytheSexy

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Working Title: Not Distracted By The Sexy: From YKTTW

Tanshaomi: In the Amime section, it reads: "Yoko from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann; although Simon and Kamina are indeed distracted at first, they get used to it." If they are distracted, then get used to it, that is actually a definite way of addressing in the show's universe, and therefore is not really an example of this trope.

endlessnostalgia: I agree, it doesn't seem like a valid example.

endlessnostalgia: Removed the following, as I don't consider it a valid example (includes my natter):

  • Over in fighting games, it's a running gag in Fatal Fury that anyone who defeats Mai Shiranui will tell her to put more clothes on.
    • As far as I recall, that's no running gag. The only time it happens is when Terry (of all people) tells her to cover her cleavage, curiously, in a game when her outfit was less stripperiffic than usual. It comes out as a little surprising, in fact. It happens more consistently in SNK vs Capcom Chaos; where Chun-Li wants to arrest Mai for indecency. Anyway...,
