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Archived Discussion Main / MakeTheBearAngryAgain

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Nornagest: Cut this —

* Real Life, maybe?

Redundant; Putin's already mentioned.

Cleared the following:
  • As has the RPG Shadowrun, apparently.
  • ...and the Cyberpunk 2020 RPG, colloquially referred to as "the Neo-Sov".

These are examples of The Great Politics Mess Up; the Soviet Union never fell because the games were written before 1991.

Slatz Grobnik - I don't think this really fits, unless the trope gets invoked every time Russia is involved in a military action. It might be a description of what happened, but that's not the same thing. And, of equal importance, including it is asking for people to toss in two-bit political commentary. But it's here in case people disagree.

  • Real life example: Georgia made the bear angry again. Georgia's military was, in the span of five days of conventional land, sea and air warfare, promptly reduced to a shadow of its former self (though thankfully not a literal shadow).
    • The Georgian War may prove to be a subversion as despite its gains, Russia ended up in a slightly worse state than it began. The West is once again vary of Russia, but still not afraid. Its allies in Eastern Europe (even the closest ones such as Belarus) were alienated by "Russia's War" which they weren't too keen on in the first place. Its allies in Eastern Asia (the Shanghai Cooperarion Organisation, especially China) were also very angry because Russia went to war after the repeatedly advised it not to and because one of the main tenets of the SCO is non-intervention.
      • Depends on who sponsors the news you read...
