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Archived Discussion Main / JimmyStewart

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Captain Timesink: Maybe it's just me Complaining About Shows I Don't Like, but the fact that he appeared in Its A Wonderful Life has completely ruined me for anything else he may have done. I didn't even like him in Vertigo, where his character was pretty far from that of George Bailey. I just can't see the guy without thinking of him as a milquetoast weenie and cheering against him. Is this a unique hang-up of mine, or are there other detractors out there?

Since this is the internet, I think there's at least one person that agrees with you, but as at least one Jimmy Stewart movie is on almost every "Best Films of all time" list, I think you're in a minority. Besides, the guy fought in WW 2 as a pilot, despite the fact he would have by default not been in the line of fire due to weight, and asked his missions be unlisted because he was that modest. If you can hate a guy who does that...
