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Archived Discussion Main / ILetYouWin

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Falcon Pain: Ugh, the YKTTW purged on this one. It wasn't 14 days! Really!

...anyway, I'm thinking the other trope discussed there, about fights where the main character wins and ends up losing anyway, yet gets a Game Over if he loses the natural way, may qualify as a different trope. What do you think?

Colin: You mean Hopeless Boss Fight?

Falcon Pain: No. That's when the player has no chance of actually winning the fight. This is one where you win the fight, and the next cutscene establishes that you lost it.

Wait. Didn't we use to have a trope called The Battle Didn't Count? It's mentioned on a few trope pages. That might be the more accurate match.
