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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

From You Know That Thing Where:

Ununnilium: A certain plot with the Sufficiently Advanced Alien is when they put all of humanity on trial, by taking a certain person or group out as an example (usually, the series protagonists) and putting them in a metaphorical court. Star Trek The Next Generation did it, and so did Heinlein. The alien versions are probably a modern variation on Christian God/devil versions, going back to Job.

BT The P: Captain Planet did it with Sasquatch and a court of animals putting the Planeteers on trial for the crimes of humanity. It was exceptionally anvilicious on a series full of moral anvils.

Red Shoe: There's also that bit in MST 3 K where Mike is taken to an otherworldly courtroom, and he assumes he's being tried for all the crimes of humanity, but, in fact, they just mean him personally.

Ununnilium: Yes! That's the one that inspiried me. Good stuff.

mmgood: Shouldn't the Have Spacesuit... stuff be spoilerized, since it's a climax and all?

Ice Crystal: Metal Gear Solid 2 might qualify. The Patriot A.I.s use Raiden's selfishness and inability to think for himself to determine that humanity is not worthy of free will. Or maybe they're just using him as an example, and the verdict has already been decided?
