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Archived Discussion Main / HorsemenOfTheApocalypse

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Working Title: Four Horsemen: From YKTTW

Op Megs: Ack, I just realized I messed up the capitalization on the title. I don't suppose anyone can get that?

HeartBurn Kid: AFAIK, capitalization isn't an inherent part of the trope title. Just change how it's capitalized in your address bar next time you edit (like I did here), and it should be fine. (Edit) OK, I was apparently wrong; however, with the Trope Name Changer not quite working, not much that can be done now.

HeartBurn Kid: To whoever put in the The Immortals example, I think you're going to need to be more specific. The only thing with that title that comes to mind for me is a novel by Tracy Hickman about people with a terminal illness being put into concentration camps, and I don't think we're talking about the same work.

Phoenix Fire: Changed the Discworld one a bit. Ronnie being a horseman isn't really a spoiler; he admits it freely. However, his real name is. So I moved the spoiler tags and cut out the Sdrawkcab Eman link, much as removing any links pains me. Just a heads up if anyone wants to argue about it.

Radioactive Zombie sez: Weird, I remember reading somewhere there were eight/seven (at least, in biblical canon). Can someone back this up before I add it in as an example?

Meta Four: In chapter 6 of Revelation, the Lamb (who represents Jesus) opens seven seals of a scroll, and with each seal, something happens. The first four seals bring the Horsemen: Conquest, War, Famine, and Death. (The other three seals do other things.) That is where the whole Four Horsemen thing comes from. The horsemen disappear immediately afterwards. Much later, in chapter 19, Jesus himself shows up again, riding on a white horse, leading the armies of Heaven. Those are the only horsemen I know of in Revelation.

Radioactive Zombie sez: Well, not explicitly referred to as Jesus. Hmm. Eh, well, it was some book on the studies of people in Biblical Times (and the tracts themselves).

Peptuck: I just want to say that whoever put in that "Apocalypse Pony" picture is, without question, Made Of Win.

Spike12: I wonder why no-one's ever made a poster of the 4 Horsemen riding BEARS ?
