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Archived Discussion Main / HiveQueen

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Working Title: Queen Bee: From YKTTW

Daibhid C: Is there a trope for the Hive Queen whose drones aren't a Hive Mind? I'm thinking of the Cybermen and Daleks, who are supposed to represent the horror of total unquestioning conformity ... but there's always a Cyber-Controller or Dalek Supreme giving the orders, and then we got Davros, who was like the Dalek Borg Queen.

Earnest: I'm pretty sure there isn't. It might be worth taking this to YKTTW as the "Mind Control Queen/King", the type of villain who builds a hive around themselves of autonomous but completely loyal yet will-less drones.

pagad: Needs a picture of the Alien Queen.
