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Archived Discussion Main / Handguns

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Fast Eddie: pulled ...

  • Averted in early seasons of Homicide Life On The Street, which focused more on investigation and interrogation, and made specific efforts to keep guns holstered.
... as being non-evidence.

Sci Vo: Modified some of the examples to remove gratuitous claims of "subversion". That term has a highly specific meaning here.

Dok Enkephalin: "A handgun has limited range, miserable accuracy, requires two hands to be used precisely (Guns Akimbo notwithstanding" I've got to disagree about the accuracy and two-hand requirement; this is based on the assumption that a steady aim is necessary to shoot. But gun drift is natural, because your hands are never steady; clutching it rigidly doesn't give you a better aim, it just gives you dead hands. If you point the gun, it'll be inaccurate. If you guide your sights to your target, you'll get a better sense of timing and correct hand/eye coordination. This is the same training they give for Army rifle, but it's actually easier with a handgun due to lighter weight so you can compensate the drift quicker, and greater angle of motion so you pick multiple targets with less body adjustment.
