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Expand Fighting For Survival launched as Fighting For Survival: From YKTTW

Working Title: Living Like Humans: From YKTTW

Bob: How about Gryffins as a combination of several examples on this page? It would make a nice counterpart to the Dying Like Animals Chimeras. Also, what should we call the bystanders being the source of the Spirit Bomb?

Also, How about Chameleons and... uhm... I thought of something good for Even Evil Has Standards, but now I can't remember it. Bummer. We need a good one for Mission Control as well.

SAMAS: How about Songbirds for the Spirit Bomb variation, to represent their cheering for the hero?

  • Also: Dog in Wolf's Clothing (Alternately, Wolfhound) — We wanted to make a better world, but this is just wrong! A former Mook who has a sudden change of heart and realizes that the means are far exceeding the ends.

Peteman: What would be a good Evil Versus Evil example? Enemy Bull? Enraged Hippo? Out of my way plebeian. They're not on your side. They're not even going for an alliance with you for convenience. They're likely one of your enemy factions and they'll try to kill you when this is all over. But the Big Bad has pissed them off more and they're opening a new front that you might be able to exploit. With any luck, both sides will be too weakened to threaten you.


Haven: I think this page is my Guilty Pleasure.
