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Euroshlock launched as Euroshlock Discussion: From YKTTW

Euroshlock launched as Euroshlock Discussion: From YKTTW

From YKTTW Working Title: Euroshlock

Corwin08 : I've watched some of these. Baise-moi is Porn Meets Socially-Aware Shit : all male characters are about as articulate as their dicks, it's fucking horrible. Can't watch it because I want to slap them all with heavy clubs AND it's impossible to wank to. Irreversible : Gaspard Noe and Matt Kassowitz were so fucking high on blow that they grabbed the pretty girl (can't be bothered to google the name) and a camera, left it on all the way, montage the movie backwards because, hey, that was such a good idea in Memento, and filmed a rape sequence nineteen minutes long. Fat girl breaks suspension of disbelief on so many levels it's not even worth suffering its length once you know how it ends (that's the one where the girl thaks the guy who rapes her and kills her family, right?) ... and then there's Salo. The fucking masterpiece. That one is BEAUTIFUL. Pasolini was not a stupid whore who thought that getting fucked on camera would net her more if the movie could be commercially distributed, nor a talentless hack with way too much credit to his name and a nasty coke habit, no, he was an artist who cared for his work, was aiming for aestheticism, and hit it. That film is a piece of art, the three others I've chewed are pieces of crap. Semen-infested, worm-ridden crap.
