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Working Title: Dark Skinned Blond: From YKTTW

Charred Knight: I clarified that Lal'c was in the sequel series Diebuster(I used the Japanese name of the series) that came AFTER FLCL.

  • Katsuhagi: Thanks for clarifying that. I didn't actually know which came first.

Meta4: How dark must one be to qualify? I'm wondering if the olive-complexioned Miss Jones from Gunnerkrigg Court would count.
Looney Toons: Deleted the recent addition

  • The Clayr of Garth Nix's Old Kingdom series (Sabriel and its sequels).

because the Clayr are already listed. Try actually reading the examples before adding your own.

Slatz Grobnik: clipping a weak example that's got natter and bound to get more.

  • In Dungeons And Dragons, drow are evil subterranean elves that never (or almost never) see the light of day. Despite this, their hair is stark white (with some variance depending on age and other factors) and their skin is uniformly black. Like, deep space black.
    • This is explained in the Forgotten Realms setting by drow being cursed for their betrayal of the other elves to their current appearance, so none would ever mistake them, they originally hailed from a jungle environment.
    • Nope. Ssri'tel'quessir (aka Ilythiiri) were dark before curse ("Descent"). Lolth backstabbed her pantheon 20000 years earlier. Still, they didn't started Crown Wars, but were consistently "unconventonal", until this alienated even allies and annoyed the rest of elven gods too much. In all versions the curse did tweaked drow magical properties so that they aren't normal elves anymore and acquired some photophobia (drow wizards are accustomed to the bright light, but mostly still don't like it). In both old and new versions, the curse affected all dark elves alike, guilty or not, anywhere, and it can be reversed for an individual, but apparently no one cared to fix what they overdid. So Yeah. In the new ed., it also changed their skin from dark brown to ebony and warped all teleport magic in the Underdark so they won't jump back and forth.

otherrick: I took out an offensive section that claimed the American South has this due to mutants from a shallow gene pool. Sorry; the Spousal Unit is a biologist in Atlanta studying how the rural South is much more genetically diverse than the rural Northeast or Midwest [or rural Europe]
