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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Binaroid: Isn't one of the Discworld DEATH's gimmicks that he "talks" in CAPS LOCK? Would it break the site's style to have the intro quote for this trope in all capital letters again?

Gus: Like that? No. That could work.

Kendra Kirai: Why was it changed to regular text anyhow?

Tzintzuntzan: I'm kind of confused about how the Hitchiker's example fits the trope — it's actually a part of the plot, not filler.

Seth: Not entirely related but the narration episode of Lain was one of, if not my favourite episode. The information was fascinating and set me on a whole list of books that i loved, who knew radio waves could be interesting. But i'm just weird.

Greg: I propose this trope be renamed to "Omphaloskepsis." I feel this would better capture the impression of the intellectual intent, but underneath it's just self-absorption.

Seth: Errm no... I wouldn't remember that, you ask to much of me :( Seriously though this is a nice mnemonic title and its deliciously snarky as well.

Ununnilium: I get that the joke is that it's intentionally obtuse, but in this case it'd get in the way of actually using it.

Infophile: Should we explain somewhere on the page the origin of this term? I'd put it in myself if I knew what it was (I suspect, but am not sure, that it refers to the Munchkin card "Comtemplate Your Navel").

Ununnilium: It's older than you think; it's an old (Ancient Greek-vintage) term referring to literally concentrating on one's bellybutton as an aid to meditation.

Scifantasy: Beat me to it, 110.

Po8: Got rid of the bulk of the Asprin critique. The future tense seemed a little cruel so soon after his untimely death. For the record, the excised lines were:

  • The nadir was (hopefully) reached in Sweet Myth-tery Of Life, where Skeeve spends the entire book sitting around drinking and feeling sorry for himself.
    • If it spanned the book, is it actually possible for it to get worse? What would that be, a longer book?
    • Page 928: Navel-gazing will be continued in Part2, coming in 2011!

Navel-gaving RUINED Evangelion for this troper.
