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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Working Title: Concepts Are Cheap: From YKTTW

Meta4: Regarding the Star Wars prequels, it's possible that Anakin's experience as a slave was the reason he didn't have a problem with concentrating power in the hands of one person. He'd grown up following the orders of Watto, and Watto treated the Skywalkers pretty good so Anakin never really saw it as a bad thing. Contrast this with the Republic's democracy, which was nice in theory but made it nearly impossible for good people to get important things done...

Spider-Man doesn't really fit. He fights crime because when he didn't, Uncle Ben bit the dust. The specter of something like that happening again looms over him like, well, most of his super-villains, I guess, and drives him to do what nobody else can.

Reflections I have to agree with the above, the Spider-man example does not really fit. He fights crime because he is honoring his uncle. Before Uncle Ben died he told Peter about this responsibility, and Peter did not listen to him. After that he failed to stop a criminal from escaping and that criminal killed his uncle. He realized that he indirectly caused the death of his uncle and remembered what Uncle Ben had said, which led to him being a hero.
