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A Wall Fell Past Him launched as By Wall That Is Holey Discussion: From YKTTW

Working Title: A Wall Fell Past Him: From YKTTW

Seven Seals: Although the title is a great pun, the first thing I thought of was the use of peepholes as a trope when I saw the title. Was the proposed Saved By Holeyness not used just because this title is even more punny?

Prfnoff: You should have launched it earlier if you had liked that title so much. It was ready to fall off YKTTW, and I thought my pun was smarter. Given time, we'll get a trope for peepholes, probably with a title that won't be confused with this.

Doug S. Machina: this is a magnificent pun, and I commend you for it.

Kitsune Inari: This trope is listed as Needs A Redirect, ¿what about "Falling Wall With A Hole" or some variant thereof?

Maso Tey: What about Hole In The Wall Gag? Or is that just as unclear?
