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Archived Discussion Main / BrandNameTakeOver

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Working Title: Brand Name Takeover: From YKTTW

SpiriTsunami: It's always interesting how subjective these things can be at times. Example: Kleenex. Personally, I have never heard anyone ask for a "Kleenex" rather than a "tissue", and judging by the fact that I rarely see any ads for Kleenex, I'm somewhat convinced that this is just a lie that they've fed us to save money on advertising. I, for one, prefer Puffs brand. Then, of course, there's the Band-Aid. I'll admit, I do ask for "Band-Aids" rather than "bandages", but it's not because I forget that it's a brand name—it's because they're the best, and most other brands cause the effected area to start smelling funny after awhile.

Cat22 - Excised "Vacuum Cleaner is also used in the States." Editor missed the point... original poster was saying the generic product vacuum cleaner is known by the brand name "Hoover" in England, not the other way around.

Vulpy sells drugs for a living. No, legally. Even in the most professional of settings, amongst pharmacists and doctor's offices, it's common to see generics referred to in Brand Name Takeover fashion because the names are easier to say. The three or four already in the examples are good, though, and he can't be bothered to add more...since a full list of the common interchanges would monopolize the page.

Also, selling drugs may or may not make one into a Third-Person Person.
