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Archived Discussion Main / BraininaJar

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

No mention of X-man Martha Johansson/No-Girl?

Thunder Phoenix: Does the Face of Boe from Doctor Who count? (Of course, as the joke goes, if the FOB is really who it's been hinted he is, that's not the FACE of Boe...)

Haven: According to the drinking game, every time someone reads the MS T3k example, they have to drink twice. Or they would if I was the sort to mention that I was shocked, SHOCKED that it wasn't on there yet. But seriously, how did everyone miss that? Okay, I guess you have to drink twice when you read this. (No, wait, apparently you have to finish the bottle. Hmm. Good thing I didn't say that on the page, huh?)


I think the description on this page should reference usages of virtual reality to replace the need to have bodies. (Usually combined with the physical brain itself being replaced by computer data that simulates the brain.) This is common trope in hard singularitarian sci-fi. Perhaps this belongs in a separate trope though. Is there one? (If so this page should link to it.)
