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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.


Schol-R-LEA: sigh I felt that there was enough reason to launch the trope, from the discussion, but... well, the lack of good examples is problematic. It's also one which I couldn't find any categories for it that fit... perhaps it wasn't such a great idea after all. I have made a new category 'Social Engineering' that it would go with... a more conventional name for it might be 'Con Games' or something, actually... but I've left it hanging for lack of time and attention. Similarly, I've left Fence Painting (i.e., getting several people to each do part of a job you were supposed to do yourself, like Tom Sawyer whitewashing Aunt Polly's fence) open for now, as I need to check on YKTTW to see if there's a similar trope already. I suppose we'll just have to see if any Wiki Magic takes place.

Ununnilium: Put it in Narrative Devices, since that's what it felt like to me — a way to move the plot forward. Seems like a perfectly good trope, to me.

Kilyle: The Stainless Steel Rat has done it. Many times. I just can't come up with any decent examples. I think it does fail miserably when he's on the planet of the brainwashed torture-expert guys, but although I hazily recall some of the specifics of that scene, I can't even call up their names. Ergo, I'll leave this info here until either I or someone more knowledgeable has useful data.

StruckingFuggle: This has its bases in actual Psychology. Psychologist Jean Piaget put forth the idea that information enters the brain and relates to data in two ways - the easy way is we fit new data into our extant expectations and behave along with those - assimilation. There's also 'accommodation', which takes more work (meaning if you're busy or lazy or taken off guard, it's less likely to happen), where new data is evaluated and a new way of considering and dealing with it comes about. Given someone who looks like they belong, and has an air of authority, and it's not unreasonable that they'll assimilate and act in accordance. Truth in Television? Real Life? Not Worth Mentioning?

Fast Eddie: pulled natter....
  • Germans numbly following crazy orders from anyone in uniform? That's a stretch!

SenatorJ: Incidentally, has MacGyver ever actually done this?

Sonic Lover: This page needs an illustration. May I recommend the xkcd comic on the subject?

Progeny Ex Machina: Erm, is there a reason for the ban on examples? Normally I'd find the lead-up debate in the discussion page, or, at the very least, as the reason listed for the edit...

Sonic Lover: My guess is the ban on examples was by some smartass who wanted to see the trope in action. I've put them back.
