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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Medinoc: I think we should put more distinction between comics with "pages" and comics with "strips". Kevin And Kell and Freefall usually have 1-strip, sometimes 2-strip updates, while Megatokyo, Order Of The Stick and Eight Bit Theater have full page updates with many panels and usually lots of text.

Noaqiyeum: This troper feels compelled to note that he has done this and triumphed over Schlock Mercenary, Girl Genius, A Miracle Of Science, Narbonic, Irregular Webcomic (one storyline at a time), Order Of The Stick, Freefall (by which point I'd become so accustomed to massive binges that I didn't even notice how long the archive was until I was finished), and, in a single day, Mega Tokyo. Yeah... not OCD at all, no.

Hydro Globus: Added some text to the first paragraph. Hey, be fair! :) And... doesn't Mezzacotta belong to the top of the page? (Yes, I know that it's the latest edit, but that's the only archive which made me panic... And I'm sure I'm not the only one.

Tamfang: I have a system (I've been reading webcomics since about 1998, and I'm nerdy). I keep a file of links to the point I've reached in 180 archives. From time to time (typically at least once a day) I run a short script that opens a random entry from that file, and read until I stop. (Sometimes I even catch up.) — I have a similar system to keep TV Tropes from consuming all my time: whenever I read a page here, rather than following all the links I extract and add them to a bookmark file ....

Feeping Creature: I've written a program, YAWR ( It's a webcomic reader that remembers your position and includes precaching features, as well as displaying multiple strips at a time. I believe it might help with this. (list of supported comics at the bottom of the page)

Azaram: I read a load of webcomics, and my very favorite, can't do without it, Firefox extension is one that allows you to rightclick a bookmark and choose 'current URL' to change it to the current. Personally, I don't really understand archive panics... I'd call it archive happiness; a webcomic with a huge archive means I'll be able to read them for a long time, even as fast as I read. I work nights, and need something to kill time... (I have over 135 TV Tropes tabs open in Firefox right now in one window, and this and six other tabs in another...

Andrew Carlssin: Archive Binge and Archive Panic should be combined... or re-shuffled or something. They cover a lot of the same ground. The "webcomics" sections of each, for example, are almost exactly identical.
