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Archived Discussion Main / AmericanTitle

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This is discussion archived from a time before the current discussion method was installed.

Working Title: American Trope Title: From YKTTW

Yongary: Should we add titles that have USA in the title, as opposed to just "America". For example, Trained to Kill: USA

Daibhid C: It's never occured to me before but, yeah, British Idol or British Gladiators would just sound ... weird.

J Dreyfuss: I'm pretty sure An American Werewolf in London is only describing his nationality and not meant to be ironic in a ny way.

Kitsune Inari: I find it pretty sad that you people from the USA don't have a name in English that means "Inhabitant of the USA" much like, say, "English" means "inhabitant of England". I mean, technically all Canadian, Brazillian, Mexican, etc. people are American too, since they inhabit America.
